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No Control

No Control

This new year begins with rain and relatively warm temperatures–38 degrees this morning. It feels like March–gray and slightly foggy from the melting snow. It feels like the sap should be running in the trees, but it’s 2 months too early. The forecast is for more of the same. The good thing is no ice.Read more about No Control[…]

Autumn’s Dying

Autumn’s Dying

Autumn’s sighing, Moaning, dying; Clouds are flying On like steeds; While their shadows O’er the meadows Walk like widows Deck’d in weeds. ‘Autumn’s Sighing’ by American poet Thomas Buchanan Read (1822-1872).

Oh, No.

Oh, No.

I finally focused on the invasive worm scare that i’ve been hearing about. All the worms in my vegetable garden are the jumping worms that eat up everything, including roots of plants. They leave behind, not beautiful, rich worm castings, which fertilize the soil, but loose, granular soil the texture of coffee grounds that sterilizesRead more about Oh, No.[…]

Savor the Pleasant

Savor the Pleasant

Carole sends me a thank-you note for my Christmas letter and several packets of seeds, which i enclosed with my last Xmas epistle. Her purple poppies are blooming now, as are mine. Generosity from me. Gratitude from her. Savor the pleasant feelings. Soak into joy.