The Body Knows


My mind tells me to go out to the garden to plant onions.

My body walks out the back door and starts filling up my new Vegogarden. The instructions recommend Hugelkultur–a fast way to build a raised bed. The bottom layer is cardboard–starting with the box the kit arrived in. Next, I walk in the woods, looking for decaying wood, cart that to the vegogarden, and use that as the next layer. Then i go back to the woods to look for sticks (otherwise known as kindling here in the North Country). That’s the next layer. Then i cart several loads of  compost.

I water heavily so that the compost will sift into the empty spaces below. I top it off with potting soil mixed with vermiculite (for water retention), and water heavily again.

The onions remain in their box, still waiting to be planted.

The mind wants one thing; the body does its own thing.

Neuroscience tells us that the body knows the answer at least half a second before the mind knows. Then the mind claims the knowledge and claims a self that possesses that knowledge.

The body knows.

Do you trust it?

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