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Tiny Garden

Tiny Garden

We are staying at an Airbnb in Puerto Rico and spending most of our time on the terrace, gazing out at the hills and, in the distance, the ocean. Sitting on the corner wall of the terrace is a tiny garden of 3 succulents. I’ve stayed in several Airbnbs and seen little fake succulents asRead more about Tiny Garden[…]

Borrowed Beauty

Borrowed Beauty

At our Airbnb condo in Puerto Rico, the neighbor’s shrubbery hangs over our backyard fence. The neighbor, Pepe, is a landscape architect, and his tiny backyard is stuffed with beautiful plants. I particularly enjoy the Allamanda waving in the ocean breeze–perhaps bidding us farewell. One of the beauties of this gated community is the greenRead more about Borrowed Beauty[…]

Kapok Tree

Kapok Tree

While vacationing in Puerto Rico, we stopped at a 375-year-old kapok tree. Kapok is the cottony stuffing used in meditation cushions. The roots of the kapok trees are tall buttresses from which other sprouts develop into trees. This tree is well-rooted! These buttress roots give me an whole new image regarding the verse on theRead more about Kapok Tree[…]