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Rooting Cuttings

Rooting Cuttings

I’m taking cuttings of my houseplants–begonias, geraniums, purple-leaved wandering jew–to root in jars of water. Leggy begonias and leggy geraniums don’t root that easily. But roots sprout very easily from a place on the stem where a new offshoot of growth is just beginning. The Buddha gave us several lists of skillful qualities, and it’sRead more about Rooting Cuttings[…]



Violets are blooming in my yard–white violets and violet violets. The person in my family who mows the lawn is ecstatic. “They’re so beautiful!” I do not remind him that in previous years he preferred the clean-cut look of new-mown grass, while i cried, “But the violets!” This May, we are both in love withRead more about Violets[…]

Pea Fence

Pea Fence

A couple of years ago, i saw my artist friend, Dawn, at the Swap Program at the landfill–the place where people bring their usable junk. My trash is someone else’s treasure. I told Dawn i needed a new gate for my garden. She pointed out a few items that might serve. I finally figured outRead more about Pea Fence[…]