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Azalea Patience

Azalea Patience

This evening, my garden group went to visit an azalea garden. Doug has collected seed and grown dozens of azaleas from seed. His specialty is azaleas in the orange-flamingo-salmon-peach range of colors–each one breath-taking, some of them bi-color. How much patience does it take to grow an azalea from seed to flower? Three years, accordingRead more about Azalea Patience[…]

Weed Seeds

Weed Seeds

Did you hear about the weed seed experiment at Michigan State University? 20 bottles of weed seeds were buried by a botanist in 1879 to see how long weed seeds can last in the soil. This year bottle #15 was unearthed, opened, and, yes, weeds are sprouting. I wonder how long the weed seeds ofRead more about Weed Seeds[…]