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Warm Yellow

Warm Yellow

Was it just yesterday that the magnolias had green leaves? Today they are warm yellow. Was it just last week that Howard was alive? Today he is gone. Change. Big changes. Here today; gone tomorrow. Sit. Take it in. Really take those warm yellow leaves into your heart.



This day had a difficult birth. Rain pelting. Wind blowing. Now that the sun has risen behind gray clouds, the rain has calmed, although tree branches still dance in the wind. Blue sky peeps through fast-moving clouds. All is in flux. This breath. This movement of the eyes. These hands. Nothing is fixed.  



Violets are blooming in my yard–white violets and violet violets. The person in my family who mows the lawn is ecstatic. “They’re so beautiful!” I do not remind him that in previous years he preferred the clean-cut look of new-mown grass, while i cried, “But the violets!” This May, we are both in love withRead more about Violets[…]