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Tiny Garden

Tiny Garden

We are staying at an Airbnb in Puerto Rico and spending most of our time on the terrace, gazing out at the hills and, in the distance, the ocean. Sitting on the corner wall of the terrace is a tiny garden of 3 succulents. I’ve stayed in several Airbnbs and seen little fake succulents asRead more about Tiny Garden[…]

Oh, No.

Oh, No.

I finally focused on the invasive worm scare that i’ve been hearing about. All the worms in my vegetable garden are the jumping worms that eat up everything, including roots of plants. They leave behind, not beautiful, rich worm castings, which fertilize the soil, but loose, granular soil the texture of coffee grounds that sterilizesRead more about Oh, No.[…]

Weed Seeds

Weed Seeds

Did you hear about the weed seed experiment at Michigan State University? 20 bottles of weed seeds were buried by a botanist in 1879 to see how long weed seeds can last in the soil. This year bottle #15 was unearthed, opened, and, yes, weeds are sprouting. I wonder how long the weed seeds ofRead more about Weed Seeds[…]