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Rooting Cuttings

Rooting Cuttings

I’m taking cuttings of my houseplants–begonias, geraniums, purple-leaved wandering jew–to root in jars of water. Leggy begonias and leggy geraniums don’t root that easily. But roots sprout very easily from a place on the stem where a new offshoot of growth is just beginning. The Buddha gave us several lists of skillful qualities, and it’sRead more about Rooting Cuttings[…]

Savor the Pleasant

Savor the Pleasant

Carole sends me a thank-you note for my Christmas letter and several packets of seeds, which i enclosed with my last Xmas epistle. Her purple poppies are blooming now, as are mine. Generosity from me. Gratitude from her. Savor the pleasant feelings. Soak into joy.